AML/CTF Annual Summit Philippines 2021
November 22-26, 2021
November 22nd – 26th, 2021 (Virtual Event)
9.00 am to 4.00 pm Philippine Standard Time
Following the recent identification of the Philippines as “Jurisdiction under Increased Monitoring” with serious AML/CTF deficiencies, the AMLC Philippines and other involved government agencies have undertaken a variety of capacity building initiatives and efforts involving stakeholders. These initiatives have already addressed a breadth of concerns noted in the 2019 Mutual Evaluation report by the Financial Action Task Force, and subsequent follow-up reviews.
To continue its progress in plugging gaps in implementing measures against money laundering and terrorism financing, the importance of co-operation between all actors on the national and global level in fighting money laundering and terrorism financing cannot be emphasized enough.
The AMLC-Fintelekt AML/CFT Annual Summit 2021, held from November 22 to 26, 2021 aimed to support this ongoing effort in the Philippines by providing a forum for all stakeholders to discuss strategic priorities and expected efforts towards positive and tangible progress. The summit delivered the most up-to-date information and emerging best practices in AML/CTF from global experts and practitioners.

Day 1 : November 22, 2021 (Monday)
9:00 am
Shirish Pathak, Managing Director, Fintelekt Advisory Services
9:15 am
Benjamin E. Diokno, Ph.D., AMLC Chairman, Governor of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
9:30 am
Atty. Mel Georgie B. Racela, Executive Director, Anti-Money Laundering Council Secretariat
9:45 am
Nicholas Turner, Of Counsel, Steptoe & Johnson
10:45 am
Mark Nuttall, Anti-Crime Specialist and Business Generalist
12:00 pm
1:30 pm
Maryliz S. Nuñez, Bank Officer V, Anti-Money Laundering Council (AMLC) Secretariat
2:30 pm
Darya Dolzikova, Research Fellow, Royal United Services Institute (RUSI)
3:30 pm
Christian Kaunert
Professor of International Security, Dublin City University and Professor of Policing and Security, University of South Wales & Director International Centre for Policing and Security
Jean Monnet, Director (Centre, Chair & Network)
Day 2 : November 23, 2021 (Tuesday)
9:00 am
Chris DePow, Senior Advisor – Financial Institution Regulation & Compliance, Elliptic
10:00 am
Gary Hughes, Barrister,, Akarana Chambers, New Zealand
11:00 am
Dante T. Fuentes, Adviser, Association of Bank Compliance Officers, Inc.
12:00 pm
1:30 pm
Muhammad Imran, Criminal Intelligence Officer, Financial Crimes Unit, INTERPOL
2:30 pm
Claire Wilson, Partner, Holland & Marie
3:30 pm
Sofia El Mansouri, Compliance Consultant & Founder, Compliantly LLC
Day 3 : November 24, 2021 (Wednesday)
9:00 am
Mariano Federici, Managing Director, K2 Integrity & Former Chair of Egmont Group of FIUs
10:00 am
Lakshmi Kumar, Policy Director, Global Financial Integrity and Kaisa de Bel, Policy Analyst, Global Financial Integrity
11:00 am
Pramod Khandelwal, Senior Faculty Member, Fintelekt
12:00 pm
1:30 pm
Guada Vergel de Dios, Head of Compliance and Government Relations, Xendit
2:30 pm
Matti Kohonen, Executive Director at Financial Transparency Coalition
3:30 pm
Jermy Prenio, Principal Advisor, Financial Stability Institute, Bank for International Settlements
Day 4 : November 25, 2021 (Thursday)
9:00 am
Suren Thapa, President & Founder, Global Intelligence Analysis Corporation, New York
10:00 am
Daniel Thelesklaf, Project Director, Finance Against Slavery and Trafficking (FAST) Initiative at United Nations University Centre for Policy Research (UNU-CPR)
11:00 am
Avaneesh Raman, Consultant – Fiji & Pacific, Fintelekt Academy
12:00 pm
1:30 pm
Nathan Catania, Partner, XReg Consulting
2:30 pm
Ravin Gill, Senior Policy Advisor/AML Specialist, Malaysian Companies Commission
3:30 pm
Alex Cobham, Chief Executive, Tax Justice Network
Day 5 : November 26, 2021 (Friday)
9:00 am
Atty. Joeshias B.Tambago, Bank Officer V, AMLC Secretariat
10:00 am
Atty. Arnold G. Frane, Acting Deputy Director, AMLC Secretariat
11:00 am
Diphat Tembo, Director – Compliance and Prevention Department, Financial Intelligence Centre, Zambia
12:00 pm
1:00 pm
Guy Sheppard, Head of APAC Financial Crime, Initiatives and Intelligence, SWIFT
2:00 pm
Debmalya Maitra, Senior Director – Banking, Financial Services & Insurance, Chokshi Group
2:45 pm
Lara Levinson, Principal, Kobre & Kim LLP & Calvin Koo, Principal, Kobre & Kim LLP
3:30 pm
Atty. Mel Georgie B. Racela, Executive Director, Anti-Money Laundering Council Secretariat
Shirish Pathak, Managing Director, Fintelekt Advisory Services